Welcome to Balaji College of Education
Balaji College of Education is located in Village Kurali, Tehsil Bilaspur , Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. The institution is in a completely rural setting marked by a network of roads. The present building provides the requisite space for class rooms , conference hall , lecture halls , library , laboratories and instruction base. Thus, the campus provides an ideal setting for an educational institution near the lush green fields blessed with bounties of nature in full bloom. The open environment is frequently echoed by the sound of cooing peacocks, which are found in plenty.

College at a Glance

  • computer lab

    Computer Lab

    A well equipped computer lab includes latest software, computer peripheral devices and internet services for integrating information and communication technologies.

  • science lab

    Science Lab

    The college has a well equipped laboratory with all the necessary materials required to conduct experiments in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the school level.

  • psychology lab

    Psychology Lab

    The college has a well equipped psycho lab with all the necessary equipment and materials required to carry out psychological testing of intelligence, attitude, creativity.

  • language lab

    Language Lab

    Keeping pace with present era of globalization and the need for English language proficiency, we have setup a lab to facilitate efficient interaction.